Hey, What can I do for you

  • DevOps
    Successful implementations rely on an integrated set of solutions or a "toolchain". I can remove manual steps find and reduce errors increase your team agility, and scale your project beyond the small and the isolated, in various methods according to your need.
  • Back End
    With 7+ years of programing in WebFrameworks. I can create a scaleable API/CMS not limited to a single 'known' language, using multiple services deticated to you needs.
  • Front End
    Need only a Wordpress site? I can do that too. I can Build Android , Ionic, React and Angular Apps. I can also scramble beautiful Landing Pages and connect your affiliate accounts to any design we will pick together.

Not really sure how to execute your plan? feel free to connect its free

View my portfolio

In here you can see my work in Andorid, Angular, Ionic, JavaScript, Python WordPress etc. For other thecnolegies like Node.js or pure scripting I made a video for you guys to watch.

Full-Stack delivery service 24/7

I work in agile, scrum or waterfall. worked with teams in the past and can see a product to production.

Just call me located in Israel

Full- Stack is just a word.